For a long time I have wondered, is there anything I can actually do that will make a difference? It turns out that even small individual input can lead to a ripple affect of change if implemented right. I will discuss how to implement these changes in this post. As I have mentioned in previous posts, climate change plays an integral part in the active melting of the polar ice caps, and all the changes that this brings with it. There are many negative consequences to our continued abuse of our planets subtle and vital ecosystems. It is my opinion, that to ensure real change and prevent as much further damage as possible, all individuals have to do their part in the fight against climate change and the destruction of the polar ice caps. Here are some at home methods of how to stay green and ensure less energy expenditure in regards to lowering personal carbon footprints and being environmentally friendly.
-Instead of driving use a bicycle or walk to close appointments or shopping locations.
-Make use of re-usable shopping bags or fully recyclable paper bags
-Start your own compost heap instead discarding biodegradable product in the trash
-Place a brick in your rear toilet tank so it makes use of less water when flushing
-Support products and companies which don't use a lot of packaging
-Support local charities with unwanted clothing or gifts
-Be sure to make use of paper on both sides of it
-Ensure electrical equipment is turned off when not in use
-Make use of a carpool to work or school
-Take showers instead of baths
-Certain kinds of light bulbs and power tools, are Green Approved and make use of less energy
Encompassing even just a few of these easy to do tips can over time greatly effect an individuals carbon footprint and the harm they are causing to the environment. The more you contribute in protecting the environment, the more aware others will become to the issue and help join the cause. The majority of these tips were found on a website hosted by the BBC. It can be found at the link below.
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